Monument at St Mary the Virgin, Twickenham, London commemorating Admiral Sir Challoner Ogle, RN d. 1750
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Twickenham, London, England
'H.S.E. / Vir Honorabilis CHALONER OGLE Eq. Aur. / Regiarum classium Praefectus primarius, / Qui generosam inter Northumbrios stirpem / Nobilitate rerum gestarum decoravit. / Militiae primordia solitariae dux navis / Memorabili proelio insignivit / Archipiratae, / Indiae per maria immaniter ferocientis / Debellator. / Saevientibus dein quaquaversum armis. / In altiori imperio collocatus, / Superbos hostes, / Oceani Occidentalis dominium affectantes / Fortitudine pari et consilio coercuit / Deflagrante tandem bello redux. / Optima spoilia, victoriarum monumenta / ad urbanas artes excolendas / Vir elegans, comis, magnificus / Felici studio applicuit; / Amabilique demum in sucessu / Classiariis charus, civibus gratiosus / Vitam toties pro patria periclitatam / Placida morte commutavit / AEtat anno LXX. Sal.MDCCL / Optimo Conjugi ISABELLA Vidus / Moerens Posuit' [H.S.E. The Honorable Chaloner Ogle Knight, First Admiral of the Royal Navy, Who, with his brave deeds gave honour to his noble stock, distinguished among the Northumbrians. At the beginning of his career in the Navy being the commander of only one ship, he distinguished himself in a memorable battle where he overcome the Chief of the Pirates who were ferociously infesting the Indian Sea. Having been raised to an higher position, he halted, with great courage and equally great wisdom the arrogant enemies who were trying to impose their rule on the Western Ocean. finally, when the turmoil of war came to an end he came home. Being a cultivated, kind and generous man, with cheerful zeal he employed the rich spoils, mementoes of his victories, to give splendor to the public monuments. And beloved by his mariners, kind to civilians, having spent all his life for his Country's good, he died peacefully at the age of 70 in the year 1750 AD. Isabella, his afflicted widow, erected this memorial to her devoted husband.]
Type: Wall monument
Position: Gallery
Materials: Marble
Date Erected: 1751
Artists: Michael Rysbrack
Age: 70
Date of Death: 1750
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Admiral of the Fleet
Organisation: Royal Navy
Bibliography: Notes by K.A. Esdaile in the Parish Magazine. Translation Silvia Bozzato.
Recorder: B. Tomlinson 1994
Photographer: B. Tomlinson