Memorial in St Helen’s Bishopsgate commemorating Sir Andrew Judde d. 1558
St Helen's Bishopsgate, City of London, England
[Right hand panel] 'To rvssia and mussova / To spayne gynny withovte fable / Traveld he by land and sea / Bothe mayre of London and staple / The commenwelthe he norished / So worthelie in all his daies / That ech state fvllwell him loved / To his perpetvall prayes'. [Left-hand panel] 'Three wyves he had one was mary / Fower svnes one mayde had he by her / Annys had none by him trvly / By dame mary had one dowghtier / Thvs in the month of September / A thowsande fyve hvnderd fyftey / And eyght died this worthie stapler / Worshipynge his posterytye.' [Below] 'Sr. ANDREW JUDDE Knt.'
Description: A small painted wall monument of two bays divided and flanked by Corinthian columns, above, an entablature on which is an achievement of arms. Each bay has a round arch with carved spandrels and a mask at the apex; below the arches are kneeling figures of a man and four sons and wife and one daughter, with a prayer desk on each side of the middle column.
Type: Wall monument
Position: East wall
Materials: Stone
Type: Wall monument
Position: East wall
Materials: Stone
Judd, Andrew
Age: 76
Date of Death: 1558
Cause of Death: unknown
Rank / Occupation: merchant
Organisation: unknown
Age: 76
Date of Death: 1558
Cause of Death: unknown
Rank / Occupation: merchant
Organisation: unknown
Notes: Judde could not have visited Russia or Guinea, see H.S. Vere Hodge's biography. Elspeth M. Veale suggests that his voyages have been confused with those of Thomas Bannister.
Bibliography: Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I. (LCC, 1924); H.S. Vere Hodge 'Sir Andrew Judde' (Tonbridge, circa 1953) pp. 82-109.
Bibliography: Survey of London: Volume 9, the Parish of St Helen, Bishopsgate, Part I. (LCC, 1924); H.S. Vere Hodge 'Sir Andrew Judde' (Tonbridge, circa 1953) pp. 82-109.