Wall tablet dedicated to Captain Jacob Elton d. 1745, in Bristol Cathedral.
Cathedral, Bristol, England
'JACOB ELTON / Filius natu secundus Abraham Elton Bart / Rebus nauticus / A tenera aetate assuetus / Et in classe Britannica / etiamnum Adolescens / NAVARCHA / Anno tricessimo secundo nondum peracto / Dum contra Gallos / Praelio navasi dimicassat / Properata quidem / Sed pulcherima Morte / OCCUBUIT / Die Martii 29 AD 1745 / Qualis erat morum suavitas Amici / Quae Humanitas et Benevolentia Nacite / Quam intrepide et fortiter Se gessit / ILLE DIES / Satis superque testatur / Leve hoc amoris sui et Desiderii Monumentum / Vidua maesussima / CAROLINA filia et cohaeres CAROLI YATE / DE COULTHORPE in agro GLOUCESTRIAE / Poni curavit'
[Jacob Elton second son of Abraham Elton, familiar with nautical matters from a tender age, who served in the British fleet from his youth. Before the end of his thirty-second year, during a naval action against the French, he fell on 29 March, 1745, a sudden but most fitting death. The pleasance his manners, the humanity and benevolence he displayed to his friends, the bravery and the fortitude he bore on that day, is more than sufficiently testified. His bereft widow Caroline, daughter and coheir of Charles Yate of Coulthorpe in the county of Gloucester erected this memorial of her love and loss]
Type: Wall tablet
Position: North Transept
Materials: Stone
Vessel: HMS Anglesey
Age: 32
Date of Death: 29/3/1745
Cause of Death: War casualty
Rank / Occupation: Captain RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Bibliography: William Laird Clowes 'The Royal Navy, a history...' (1898) pp. 278-279.
Photographer: B. Tomlinson