Memorial: M5862

Monument at Cosgrove commemorating Rear-Admiral Robert Mansel d. 1838


Church of St Peter & St Paul, Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, England


'In Memory of / Rear Adml ROBERT MANSEL / Son of Genl MANSEL / Born MARCH 15th 1773; Died JANUARY 5th 1838. / Also in Memory of / FRANCES CHARLOTTA MANSEL / Wife of REAR ADMIRAL MANSEL / Daughter of THE Revd. WILLM THOROLD / Died MARCH 1st 1846. Aged 62. / Also of / JOHN CHRISTOPHER MANSEL / Son of the above / BORN SEPTEMBER 1st 1813; Died MAY 27TH 1895. / Also of / KATHERINE MARGARET MANSEL / Wife of / JOHN CHRISTOPHER MANSEL / and Daughter of the / The RVD HENRY LONGUEVILLE MANSEL . Late Rector of this Parish / Born APRIL 11. 1819. Died JANY 9: 1896'


Description: One of three tablets to members of the Mansel family in a gothic frame with green man stops.
Type: Wall monument
Position: Nave east wall
Artists: Bedford


Mansel, Robert
Age: 74
Date of Death: 5/1/1838
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Rear Admiral
Organisation: Royal Navy


Bibliography: Brian S.H. Egan 'Signed Monuments in the Church of St Pater and St Paul, Cosgrove, Northamptonshire', 'Newsletter, Church Monuments Society' vol. 24, No 1, Summer 2008, p. 13.