Tablet in St Luke’s Church, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire dedicated to Rear-Admiral Thomas Watkins d. 1870
St Luke's Church, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England
'To the glory of God and in memory of / Rear Admiral Thomas Vernon Watkins R.N. / third son of the Rev. William Watkins of Court Coleman / Glamorganshire and Rector of Port Eynon in that county, / who died at Cheltenham March 5th 1870 after 40 years of / active and distinguished service to his country. / Also of Georgiana Elizabeth widow of the above, and only / surviving daughter of Thomas Morgan, Esq. of Llangodoch, / Carmarthenshire who fell asleep at Cheltenham Sept 27th 1901 / leaving behind her the memory of a tender mother's unfailing love, / this tablet is erected by her only child. / Give them eternal life'
Position: South aisle
Materials: Marble
Date of Death: 5/3/1870
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Rear Admiral
Organisation: Royal Navy