Memorial in St Andrew’s Church, Colyton, Devon commemorating Commander Henry Wilson, HEIC, d. 1810
St Andrew's Church, Colyton, Devon, England
'In full Assurance of the Resurrection of the Dead; / Near this place lieth the Body of / CAPT. HENRY WILSON / Who commanded the Hon.ble East India Company`s Packet, the Antelope, / when wrecked on the Pelew islands, in August, 1783; / and was wonderfully preserved with the Ship`s Company, / amongst Strangers, in a land, unfrequented and unknown. / He departed this life May 11th 1810; Aged 70 Years. / READER! / Reflect on thy Life, and the Days which are past,and/ thou wilt most assuredly see Cause to acknowledge, that/ THERE IS A GOD, / Who governeth the Earth, and observeth the Actions and ways of / MEN, and that THOU / hast had frequent Occasions, wherein to declare with the / PATRIARCH JACOB / "Surely the LORD is in this PLACE and I knew it not" / Genesis xxviii ver xii'
Position: Interior
Materials: Marble
Vessel: 'Antelope'
Age: 70
Date of Death: 11/5/1810
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Commander
Organisation: Honourable East India Company