Memorial: M5771

Memorial sculpture in Damside Street, Lancaster, Lancashire  commemorating victims of the slave trade


Damside Street, Lancaster, Lancashire, England


'Captured Africans / Ships Master depart Africans / 'Expedition' Strangeways, James 1745 188 / 'Jolly Batchelor' Hinde, Thomas 1749 154 / 'Africa' Hinde, Thomas 1752 170 / 'Barlborough' Millerson, Richard 1754 140 / 'Lancaster' Paley, Thomas 1756 90 / 'Castleton' Tindall, Henry 1756 120 [?] / 'Gambia' Dodson, Robert 1756 180 / 'Cato' Millerson, Richard 1756 360 / 'Thetis' Preston, John 1759 212 / 'Molly' Denison, William 1760 228 / 'Marquis of Danby' Dodson, Robert 1762 240 / 'Eagle' Millerson, Richard 1762 270 / 'Norfolk' Nunnes, Isaac 1763 202 / 'King Tom' Read, John 1764 230 / 'Antelope' Paley, Thomas 1764 150 / 'Phoebe' Macky 1764 296 / 'Prince George' Addison, John 1766 160 / 'Stanley' Abson, John 1773 160 / 'Nelly' Maychell, James 1774 250 / 'Sally' Sawrey, James 1775 153 / 'Old England' Garnet, John 1783 181 / 'Johns' Nunns, John 1806 280' '.


Description: Peakamoor stone in the shape of a ships bow with decks made out of clear acrylic with the words ‘wealth', 'rum', 'mahogany', 'cotton', 'sugar' and 'slaves' written on them. The top with inlaid coins, the bottom with the plan of the slave ship 'Brookes'. The acrylic blocks attached by steel bars to a stone slab and steel plate with the details of twenty Lancaster voyages detailing captains, names of ships, number of slaves embarked. This on a plinth with an inlaid mosaic of the Atlantic Triangular Trade that has on it, moulded figures of slaves.
Type: Sculpture
Position: Near the quay
Materials: stone, acrylic, steel with brass figures
Date Erected: 2005
Artists: Kevin Dalton Johnson
Vessel: Brookes


Notes: This memorial to the victims of the slave trade was erected in 2005, under the aegis of the Slave Trade Arts Memorial Project - the first memorial to victims of the slave trade at a British port site.
Photographer: B. Tominson