Memorial: M5368

Gravestone at St George’s Church, Douglas, Isle of Man commemorating Matthias Kelly d. 1784,  shipbuilder


St George's Church, Douglas, Isle of Man


'Erected 21st October 1841 / records the first interment in this / burial ground; being the remains of / MATTHIAS KELLY, OF DOUGLAS / SHIPBUILDER, which were deposited in this Vault the 9th April 1784 / He died of an Endemic Distemper, at / that time prevalent in this island / called by the name of the stitches / in the 63rd year of his age...'


Description: Gravestone surrounded by railings. Above the inscription, a carving of the day of judgement with angels blowing trumpets and the deceased rising from his shattered tomb in his shroud.
Type: Gravestone
Position: Churchyard
Date Erected: 21/10/1841


Kelly, Matthias
Age: 63
Date of Death: 9/4/1784
Cause of Death: Infectious disease
Rank / Occupation: Shipbuilder


Photographer: B. Tomlinson