Memorial: M5123

Memorial in the  Old English Cemetery, Livorno commemorating Lieutenant William McIntyre RN d. 1825


Old English Cemetery, Via Giuseppe Verdi, Livorno, Italy, Rest of the World


'Sacred to the memory / of / Lieut. William McIntyre R.N. / who departed this life at Pisa / on the 19th of Octr 1825 / in the 46th year of his age / Brave, honest, honorable, just and mild / loving husband, father, friend and child. / Erected by his widow E.M. [sic] I. / Leghorn the 20th day of May 1826'



McIntyre, William
Age: 46
Date of Death: 20/5/1826
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Lieutenant RN
Organisation: Royal Navy


Bibliography: G.G. Milner-Gibson-Cullum; Francis Campbell MaCauley 'The inscriptions in the old British cemetery of Leghorn' (Leghorn, 1906) p. 87.