Memorial in the Old English Cemetery, Livorno commemorating Lieutenant William McIntyre RN d. 1825
Old English Cemetery, Via Giuseppe Verdi, Livorno, Italy, Rest of the World
'Sacred to the memory / of / Lieut. William McIntyre R.N. / who departed this life at Pisa / on the 19th of Octr 1825 / in the 46th year of his age / Brave, honest, honorable, just and mild / loving husband, father, friend and child. / Erected by his widow E.M. [sic] I. / Leghorn the 20th day of May 1826'
McIntyre, William
Age: 46
Date of Death: 20/5/1826
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Lieutenant RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Age: 46
Date of Death: 20/5/1826
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Lieutenant RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Bibliography: G.G. Milner-Gibson-Cullum; Francis Campbell MaCauley 'The inscriptions in the old British cemetery of Leghorn' (Leghorn, 1906) p. 87.