Memorial: M5120

Memorial in the Old English Cemetery, Livorno commemorating Samuel Randall d. 1674


Old English Cemetery, Via Giuseppe Verdi, Livorno, Italy, Rest of the World


'D.O.M. / Samuel Randall Anglus / avidus gloriae Fideitatis [sic] Amator / Moribus integerrimus Navis Dux Strenuus / Dum as orientis Pergeret Regeones [sic] / Maris Saevitiam expertus / In Undis demersus Suum clausit diem / et ejus ossa Ex Aequorum Voracitate Erepta / hoc in Tumulo iacent / Malorum Novissimum Incurrit / die XXIX Ja/nuari Ao MDCLXXIV ab incarnat'ne / aetatis quidem suae XXXXIV' [D.O.M. Samuel Randall Englishman, eager for glory, one who loved loyalty, of upright behaviour, a brave naval commander. While travelling towards the lands of Asia, being greatly experienced in the perils of the sea, he ended his days swallowed by the waves, and his bones, saved from the voracity of the sea, lie in this grave. He incurred the greatest of evils on 29th January 1674 AD from the incarnation of Our Saviour at the exact age of 44.]



1672-1674 Third Anglo-Dutch War


Randall, Samuel
Age: 44
Date of Death: 19/1/1674
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Commander
Organisation: Unknown


Notes: Translation Silvia Bozzato.
Bibliography: G.G. Milner-Gibson Cullum; Francis Campbell MaCauley 'The inscriptions in the old British cemetery of Leghorn' (Leghorn, 1906) p.73.