Memorial: M4920

Memorial at Funzi Island, Mombasa, Kenya commemorating George Redman, RN, d. 1887


Funzi Island, Mombasa, Kenya, Rest of the World


‘Sacred / to the Memory of / G.H. Redman A.B. / H.M.S. Reindeer / Age 30 years / Drowned at Dry Gap 1st July / 1887 / Not dead but sleepeth'


Description: Cross on a stepped plinth.
Type: Gravestone
Vessel: HMS Reindeer


Redman, George H.
Age: 30
Date of Death: 1/7/1887
Cause of Death: Martime accident
Rank / Occupation: Able Seaman
Organisation: Royal Navy


Notes: Drowned off Pemba. Five burials on Funzi Island are of Royal Navy and Royal Marine personnel. Redman’s grave is now in the House of Wonders Museum, Stone Town, Zanzibar.

Bibliography: Kevin Patience 'Zanzibar Revisited', 'The Review: Journal of the Naval Historical Collectors Research Association' (Winter 1999, pp. 6-7).