Memorial: M4863

Memorial at Church of St Mary the Virgin, Wingham, Kent, commemorating Captain Streynsham Master RN d. 1724


Church of St Mary the Virgin, Wingham, Kent, England


'To the memory of / STREYNSHAM MASTER / of Brook in this Parish Esq / only Son of Iames Master of East Langdon / in this County Esq; by Ioyce only Daughter / of Sr Christopher Turnor of Milton-Ernest/in the County of Bedford Knt / He was a Gentleman / of strict Honour and signal Bravery / who having commanded severall Ships / in the Royall Navy did in the years 1718 / perticularly distinguish himself in the / Engagement against the SPANIARDS on / the coast of Sicily, then Commanding / the / Superb Man of War in ye British Fleet / under the Conduct of Sr George BYNG / now Lord Viscount Torrington / by Attacking and Forecing the / Spanish Admirall in Chief / to surrender to him. / He married Elizabeth sole Daughter / and heiress of RICHARD OXENDEN Esq / Barrister at Law a younger son / of Sr Henry Oxendon of Brook Esq / He died Iune ye 22 1724. Aged 42 years / Four Months and some few Days after / his Marriage, /universally lamented by his friends, / leaving a mournful Widow who erected / this Monument to express her sincere / Love for his Memory / Our Labour is vain / our rest is gain'


Description: Architectural surround. Arms in centre of broken pediment flanked by naval trophies.
Type: Wall monument
Position: Side chapel
Materials: Marble


Master, Streynsham
Age: 43
Date of Death: 22/6/1724
Cause of Death: Unknown / None
Rank / Occupation: Captain RN
Organisation: Royal Navy


Recorder: B. Tomlinson