Memorial: M4767

Wall tablet in St Margaret’s Westminster, London commemorating Sir Walter Raleigh d. 1618


St Margaret's Westminster, Westminster, London, England


'WITHIN YE CHANCEL OF THIS CHURCH WAS INTERRED / THE BODY OF THE / GREAT SR. WALTER RALEIGH K.T. / ON THE DAY HE WAS BEHEADED / IN OLD PALACE YARD, WESTMINSTER, / OCTR. 29TH. ANO. DOM. 1618. / READER - Should Yov reflect on his errors / Remember his many virtves / And that he was a mortal'


Description: Egg and dart border. Inscription tablet within frame of strapwork, arms above.
Type: Wall tablet
Position: South aisle north wall
Materials: Stone, brass


Raleigh, Walter
Age: 65
Date of Death: 29/10/1618
Cause of Death: Executed
Rank / Occupation: Explorer


Notes: Sketch DOSSIER. In 1818 a wooden tablet was set up in memory of Raleigh. This was replaced in 1845 with a brass with the same inscription. His body was buried under the high altar according to Aubrey.
Bibliography: H.F. Westlake 'St Margaret's Westminster' (London, 1914) p. 120.