Wall monument in Town Church, St Peter Port, Guernsey commemorating privateer captain, Nicholas Le Messurier d. 1759
Town Church, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands
'Sacred / To the Memory / of Captain NICHOLAS LE MESSURIER / Commander of the Private Ship of War the / Bellona of Twenty Guns, belonging to this Island / Who, being on a Cruise, in the Night of the Twelfth / of February 1759, fell in with a large French East / India Ship, and in the Morning by dawn of Day / Gallantly Attack'd and Engag'd Her, but about an / Hour after was unfortunately Slain. / The Privateer being greatly Shatter'd in her Masts / and Rigging, having several Shot between Wind / and Water, and many Men kill'd and Wounded / was oblig'd to Sheer off, after having greatly / Shatter'd the Enemy. / He was a Native of this Island. Born on the 16th of May / in the year 1731, and always behav'd like/ a Brave and Diligent Officer; to whose Memory / the Owners of the Privateer have erected this / Monument out of Gratitude for his good Services / Restored by a few Guerseymen 1906'
Type: Wall monument
Position: Near the west door south aisle
Materials: Marble
Vessel: Bellona
Age: 27
Date of Death: 13/2/1759
Cause of Death: War casualty
Rank / Occupation: Captain
Photographer: B. Tomlinson