Memorial: M4005

Monument in St Bartholomew’s Church, Smithfield, London, to Robert Chamberlayne  d. 1615


Church of St Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield, London, England


'ROBERTO R.F.CHAMBERLANIO IACOBI MAGNAE BRITANIAE FRANC= / CICI HIBERNICI PIJ FOELICIS SEMPER AVGVSTI INAVGVRATI= / ONE NOBLISS.DE BALNEO ORDINIS MILITI, CASTELLI DE SHERBVRN IN AGRO OXONIENSI DOMINO AB ANTIQVISS. / TANKERVILLAE IN NORMANDIA COMITIB. LONGA MAJORVM SE= / RIE DEMISSO.QVANTAE CVNQ.FORTVNAE / CAPACI, ANIMO MAG= / NO NATO NEC VIRTVTIR.MINORIR.QVAS DVM SIBI SVISQ. / FOVET EXTERAS NATIONES COMPLVRIMAS LVSTRAVIT MO= / RVM CALIDVS LINGVARVMQ. TERRAM POSTREMO SANCTAM / ET SEPVLCHRVM DOMINI VENERABVNDVS ADIJT SVVMQ (H=V/FATA) QVALE AVT VBI INCOMPERTO REPERIJT LITTORE SI QVI= / DEM SOLVENS ANNO VIRGINEI PARTVS MDCXV.TRIPOLIM INTER / CYPRVM.(QVANTVM CONIJCI FAS EST) FATORVM AN HOMINVM INCLE= / MENTIA COELEBS A SVIS PROCVL PERIJT. / TAM DVLCIS OLIM CONTVBERNIJ MEMOR TANTOQ.DOLORI ET DESI= / DERIO IMPAR, AMICO AMICVS MERENTI MOERENS P. / VIXIT ANNOS CERCITER XXX / COELO TEGITUR QVI NON HABET VRNAM. / [Translation] 'To Robert Chamberlayne, son of Robert by the institution of the pious happy and ever august James, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, made a knight of the most noble Order of the Bath; Lord of the Castle of Sherburn in the county of Oxford, descended by a long line of ancestors from the most ancient Earls of Tankerville in Normandy. Fit for any fortune, however great, born with an intellect and an equally great character, whilst cherishing these for himself and for his own people, he also travelled many foreign countries, skilled in their habits and languages. Eventually he reverently approached the Holy Land and the Sepulchre of our Lord, and found also (alas) his own (sepulchre) of what kind or on what shore is unknown, dying in the year of the Virgin Birth 1615. A Batchelor, far from his own people he perished by the inclemency of the weather or of man between (as far as can be guessed) Tripoli and Cyprus. A sorrowing friend, mindful of so sweet and old a companionship and unequal to support so great a grief and loss erected this (monument) (to a well deserving friend). He lived about thirty years. He is covered by heaven though he has no tomb'


Description: Kneeling effigy in armour under a canopy, curtains held back by angels. At the top of the memorial the crest an coat of arms of Chamberlayne.
Type: Monument
Position: Presbytery north side
Materials: Marble


Chamberlayne, Robert
Age: 30
Date of Death: 1615
Cause of Death: Vessel Loss
Rank / Occupation: Passenger


Recorder: The Arts Society (NADFAS)