Statue in front of Custom’s House, Purfleet Quay, Kings Lynn, commemorating Captain George Vancouver, RN d. 1798
Purfleet Quay, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England
'TO THE MEMORY OF / CAPTAIN GEORGE VANCOUVER RN. / BORN KING'S LYNN 1757 DIED PETERSHAM 1798 / A GREAT NAVIGATOR & SURVEYOR / FROM 1791 to 1795 / CAPTAIN VANCOUVER PRECISELY CHARTED MANY THOUSANDS / OF MILES OF THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC COASTLINE / FROM SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA TO ANCHORAGE ALASKA / (To King George III) / Captain Vancouver was not undeserving the honour / of trust reposed in him, and that he has fulfilled the / objective of his commission from your majesty with / diligence and fidelity / (John Vancouver) / The plinth is of stone from the Pacific West Coast / of Canada / Erected in the year 2000'
Type: Statue
Position: In front of Custom's House, Purfleet Quay
Materials: Bronze
Date Erected: 24/10/2000
Artists: Penelope Reeve
Age: 40
Date of Death: 12/5/1798
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Captain RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
There are numerous memorials to Captain Vancouver across the world, including in Vanier Park, Vancouver, Canada and North Kihei, Maui, Hawaii. 2007 marked the 250th anniversary of Vancouver’s birth. Canada Post issued a commemorative stamp.
Photographer: B. Tomlinson