Wall tablet in the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Hambledon, Hampshire dedicated to Admiral Erasmus Gower d. 1814
Church of St Peter and St Paul, Hambledon, Hampshire, England
'In the centre Aisle of this Church / are deposited the Remains of / Sir ERASMUS GOWER Knt. / Admiral of the White. / To perpetuate his Memory a Monument is / also erected in the Church of his native Parish, Kilgowan PEMBROKESHIRE. / He was twice a Circumnavigator of the Globe; / In various Naval engagements / eminently Conspicuous; equal to every Emergency, / superior to every Difficulty. / He was selected for the purpose in 1798 / for subduing a mutinous Spirit then unfortunately / raging amongst the British Seamen: / His success in this Station may rightly be attributed / to the address & delicacy of his manners / united to the firmness & decision / of his Character. / In Newfoundland to which Government / he was appointed in 1804, / (the last of his public services) he exercised his extensive Power unremittingly, / and uniformly, for the benefit the Settlement / and consequently the honor of his Country. / Retiring from all publick Duties in May 1807 / exhausted by Bodily infirmity. / Universally respected in his private / as well as honor'd in his publick Character, / He departed this life June 21 1814 / Aet 72'
Type: Wall tablet
Position: North side of nave
Materials: Marble
Spithead Mutiny, Nore Mutiny
Event Date
Event Category
1793-1802 French Revolutionary War
Age: 72
Date of Death: 21/6/1814
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Admiral of the White
Organisation: Royal Navy