Plaque in St Michael and All Angels, East Coker, Somerset commemorating William Dampier d. 1715
Church of St Michael and All Angels, East Coker, Somerset, England
'In memory of William Dampier, Buccaneer, Explorer, Hydrographer. Thrice he circumnavigated the Globe, and, first of all Englishmen, explored and described the coast of Australia. An exact observer of all things in Earth, Sea, and Air, he recorded the knowledge won by years of danger and hardship in Books of Voyages and a Discourse on Winds, Tides, and Currents which Nelson bade his midshipmen to study and Humboldt praised for scientific worth. Born at East Coker 1651 He died in London 1715 and lies buried in an unknown grave. The world is apt to judge of everything by the success, and whosoever has ill fortune will hardly be allowed a good name.' [Small plaque alongside main one commemorating 300th anniversary of the landing of William Dampier in Australia, New Holland 4 Jan 1688.]
Materials: Brass
Date of Death: 1715
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Pirate. Hydrographer
Recorder: David Saunders, 1994