Brass plaque at Church of St Michael and All Angels, Colwich marking the burial place of Admiral of the Fleet, George Anson d. 1762
Church of St Michael and All Angels, Colwich, Staffordshire, England
'In Memory of / GEORGE LORD ANSON / who was born at Shugborough in this Parish / on St Georges Day 23 April 1697 / He entered the Royal Navy and became / Admiral of the Fleet and Vice Admiral of England / He was First Lord of the Admiralty / during the Seven Years War / and is also Famous for his / Voyage round the World / 1740-44 / He died on the 6th June 1762 / and is buried in this church / THIS MEMORIAL / was erected by public subscription / on the bicentenary of his birth / HIS WIFE ELIZABETH / DAUGHTER OF / PHILIP 1st EARL of HARDWICK / LORD CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND / is buried in the same vault' [Inscription in the vault] 'THE RT HONBLE / GEORGE LORD ANSON / DIED JUNE 2 1762 / AGED 65'
Type: Brass plaque
Position: Chancel north wall
Materials: Brass
Event Category
1739-1748 War of the Austrian Succession
Age: 65
Date of Death: 6/6/1762
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Admiral of the Fleet