Tomb at St Mary’s Church, Cardigan commemorating Rowland Rowlands RN d. 1796
St Mary's Church, Cardigan, Ceredigion, Wales
Type: Chest-tomb
Vessel: HMS Swiftsure
Vessel: HMS Swiftsure
Rowlands, Rowland
Age: 20
Date of Death: 25/4/1796
Cause of Death: Infectious disease
Rank / Occupation: Midshipman RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Age: 20
Date of Death: 25/4/1796
Cause of Death: Infectious disease
Rank / Occupation: Midshipman RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Notes: Midshipman, HM sloop 'Swiftsure' died of yellow fever in the West Indies.
Recorder: David Saunders 1993
Recorder: David Saunders 1993