Memorial: M1738


Wall monument at Canterbury Cathedral commemorating  Vice Admiral Sir George Rooke, Vice-Admiral of England RN d. 1709


Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England


'I.M.S. / GEORGII ROOKE Militis / GUILIELMI ROOKE Militis filii / ANGLIAE VICE-ADMIRALLI / Oh quantum est historiae in isto Nomine / At Quantillum Hic Titulus potis est Enarrare! / Profugientibus ex Acie GALLIS Ao MDCXCII / Ipse aperta Cymbula, / Immistus Tormentorum Globis, / Imbribusq. Gladium, / Tot GALLIS testibus credite Posteri / Ultrices Primus Flammas aptans, / Naves Bellicas XIII, juxta La HOGUE combussit / Compositis dehinc inter SUEVUM & DANUM / Summo Consilio & Justitia Discordiis; / A pacato Septentrione, ad Meridiem se Convertit. / Iterumq. Exusta aut Capta a VIGONEM / Tota Praesidiatrice Hostium Classe, / Atq. onerariis immensae Molis Argento foetis / In Patriam feliciter adductis, / Opimam Praedam Fide Integgerimo / In Ararium Publicum deportavit / GIBRALTARIUM copiis Navalibus / Paucioribus Horis cepit, / Quam Postea Mensibus irrito Conatu / Justus Obsidebat Exercitus, / Et eadem fere Impressione / Instructissimam GALLORUM Classem / Inferior multo Viribus / Consilio et Fortitudine longe Superior / Non denuo in Aciem prodituram, Profligavit, / Sic CAROLUS III ad solium /Sic HISPANIIS ad Libertatem / Sic EUROPAE ad Pacem / viam aperuit / His atq. aliis exantiatis Laboribus / HEROI CHRISTIANO / Ob Egregiam in ECCLESIUM Pietatem, / Ob Fidem GULIELMO MAGNO / & ANNAE OPTIMAE / Sanctissime semper Praestitam; / Ob Nomen BRITANNICUM per Terrarum Orbem / Amplificatum et Decoratum; / Non Titulos superbos, / Non Opes invidiosas, / Nec inanes Vulgi plausus / Sed Optimae Mentis Conscientiam, / Bonorum Amorem Omnium/Otium in Paternis sedibus / Et Mortem in CHRISTO concessit DEUS / Obiit XXIV die Januarii Anno Aetatis suae LVIII Christi MDCCVIII / Uxores Habuit Tres / Mariam Howe de Cold Berwick in Agro Wilton / Mariam Luttrel de Dunster Castle in Agro Somerset / Cath. Knatchbull de Mersham Hatch in Agro Cantiano /Quarum ex secunda GEORGIUM Filium Unicum Reliquit / H.M. Gul. Brodnam & Sam Milles Armigeri. T.C.P.'
[Sacred to the memory of Sir George Rooke, knight, son of William Rooke, knight, Vice-Admiral of England. Oh! How much history is that name! And how little this epitaph can tell. The French flying in the fight in the year 1692, he, in an open boat, amidst showers of great and small shot, and the swords of so many French, (a deed scarce credible by posterity) having first prepared the fireships, burnt thirteen ships of war near La Hogue. Afterwards the difference between the Swedes and Danes being happily and justly settled by his advice, he left the North and returned southward, where the whole enemy fleet protecting a convoy were either burned or taken at Vigo. He safely brought to England the galleons, ships of immense burden, laden with treasure, and with the utmost integrity lodged it all in the Public Treasury. He took Gibraltar with the fleet, in fewer hours than a regular army vainly besieged it months. With the same success, his navy being as much inferior in strength as it was superior in conduct and courage, he put to flight the whole French fleet in one memorable battle, being largely inferior in number of men, but largely superior in wisdom and courage. The French though well-equipped did not again risk a battle, thus he opened to Charles III the way to the throne of Spain, for the greater Freedom and Peace of Europe. After this and many other exhausting labours, in return for his admirable piety, his steadfast loyalty to King William and Queen Anne, for having made renowned and respected the name of Britain through all lands, God rewarded the Christian Hero, not with arrogant titles, neither with envious flattery nor with the empty applause of the mob but with the pure, peaceful, conscience of a noble mind, the love of all good and worthy men, rest in his ancestral home and death in Christ. He passed away on 24 January 1708 AD at the age of 58. He had had three wives: Mary Howe of Cold Berwick in the county of Wiltshire. Mary Luttrell of Dunster Castle in the County of Somerset and Catherine Knatchbull of Mersham Hatch, Kent. He had his only son George by his second wife. H. M. William Broadnam and Sir Sam Milles, Esquires T.C.P.]


Description: Long bust of Rooke in armour and wig with draped curtains behind. The bow of a warship in relief protrudes on either side of the inscription tablet below. Architectural surround with pilasters on either side, armorials on top.
Type: Wall monument
Position: Chapel of St Michael
Materials: Marble
Artists: Edward Stanton


Rooke, George
Age: 58
Date of Death: 24/1/1709
Cause of Death: Unknown / None
Rank / Occupation: Vice Admiral
Organisation: Royal Navy


Notes: Translation: Silvia Bozzato (modern year for date of death given). Sir George Rooke is buried in St Paul's Church, Canterbury. A statue of Rooke was erected in Gibraltar in 2004.

Bibliography: John Newman 'Buildings of England: North East and East Kent' (Harmondsworth, 1983) p. 210; John Le Neve 'Monumenta Anglicana', vol. iv, p. 147 (London, 1718).
Recorder: B. Tomlinson
Photographer: B. Tomlinson