Wall tablet in St Margaret’s Church, Barking, Essex, commemorating Joshua Banaster d. 1734
St Margaret's Church, Barking, Essex, England
'Near this place lies Interred the Body of / CAPTAIN JOSHUA BANASTER / who was born in this Parish and brought / up to the sea service from his Infancy / and in several Engagements, both in / KING WILLIAM and QUEEN ANN'S Warrs / behaved with Great Conduct & Bravery / which recommended him to the favour / of his Royal Highness George Prince of / Denmark, Lord High Admiral of Great / Britain. / He commanded his Majesty's yatch the / Charlott 13 years, and dyed the 28th / March 1738 aged 63 years. / He gave £50 in his life time to repair ye / School House and £50 to the Poor / of the said Parish at the time of his Decease / to whom he had always been a generous / Benefactor.' [Floor slab] 'Lyeth the body of Captain Joshu Banaster who departed this life 28th March 1738 aged 63. Also the body of Pricilla Vere sister of above who departed this life on 12th day of February 1748'
Type: Wall tablet
Materials: Marble, grey and white marble, granite
Vessel: HMY Charlotte
Age: 63
Date of Death: 28/3/1734
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: