Memorial at St Cuthbert’s Church, Ackworth commemorating Robert Gulley d. 1842
St Cuthbert's Church, Ackworth, West Yorkshire, England
'Sacred to the memory of Robert Gulley son of John Gulley Esq. of Ackwoth Park, who after suffering the horrors and privations of shipwreck on the island of Formosa in the brig Ann on the night of 10th March 1842, in which vessel he was a passenger, was together with the rest of the crew taken prisoner by the Chinese and suffered the greatest privations and hardships which he bore with the most exemplary fortitude, manly and cheerful resignation to about the 18th August when he together with about 300 other British subjects was most barbarously murdered in cold blood by the Chinese authorities in the town of Ty Wan Foo aged 28 years. He was endeared to a large circle of friends for his manly virtues and kindness of heart. This tablet is erected by a bereaved and afflicted father'
Vessel: Ann
First China War
Event Date
Event Category
19th century conflicts in Asia
Age: 28
Date of Death: 18/8/1842
Cause of Death: Murdered
Rank / Occupation: Passenger