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St Peter's Parish Church, Liverpool, England

Memorial at St Peter’s Parish Church, Liverpool commemorating James Pears d. 1820


St Peter's Parish Church, Liverpool, England


'James Pears, Master Mariner, died 17th June 1820 age 44'



Pears, James
Age: 44
Date of Death: 17/6/1820
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Master mariner


Notes: From a MS in Liverpool Record Office, compiled by James Gibson d. 1886 vol. 1 p. 271.
Recorder: Captain J. P. Brand

Old Church, Kirk Braddan, Isle of Man

Gravestone at Kirk Braddan, Isle of Man commemorating Hassard Leeke Stacpoole RM  d.  1836


Old Church, Kirk Braddan, Isle of Man


'In MEMORY / of / HASSARD LEEKE STACPOOLE Esq. / Only son of the late Capt. / HASSARD STACPOOLE R.N. / formerly of the Royal Marines / in which Corps he highly distinguished himself / on the / River Gambia Africa / during the year 1830 / Obiit 22nd March 1836 / Aetat 28 years'


Type: Gravestone
Position: Churchyard


Stacpoole, Hassard Leeke
Age: 28
Date of Death: 22/3/1836
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: 2nd Lieutenant
Organisation: Royal Marines


Notes: Captain Hassard Stacpoole RN d. 1814 Jamaica, killed in a duel. He married Isabella Leeke.

Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London, England

Memorial in Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London commemorating Admiral Sir George Pocock RN d. 1792


Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London, England


'SACRED to the Memory of SIR GEORGE POCOCK, K.B. who entered into the Naval Service of his country under the Auspices of his Uncle LORD TORRINGTON. And who emulating his great Example rose with high Reputation to the Rank of ADMIRAL OF THE BLUE, His abilities as an officer, stood confessed by his conduct upon a variety of occasions But his Gallant and Intrepid Spirit was more fully displayed By the distinguished Part he bore at the taking of Geriah And in leading the Attack at the Reduction of Chandernagore And afterwards when with an inferior Force, he defeated the French Fleet under M. D'ACHE, In three general Engagments Showing what British Valour can achieve, aided by proffessional skill and Experience. Indefatigably active and persevering in his own Duty, he enforced a strict observance of it in others. At the same time with so much mildness, with such condescending Manners, As to gain the Love and Esteem of All who served under Him; Whose Merits he was not more quick in discerning, or more ready to reward Though he was ever backward in acknowledging his own. Returning from his sucessful career in the East, He was appointed to command the Fleet upon the Expedition against the Havannah, By his united Efforts in the conquest of which He added fresh Laurels to his own Brow, and a valuable Possession to this kingdom. Upon retiring from Publick Employment He spent the remainder of his Life in a State of dignified Ease and Splendour; Hospitable and generous to his friends and exhibiting a striking Picture of CHRISTIAN BENEVOLENCE By his Countenance and Support of Publick Charities, and by his Liberalities to the Poor. A Life so honourable to himself and so endeared to his Friends and Family was happily extended to the Age of 86 When he resigned it with the same tranquil and serene Mind which peculiarly marked and adorned the whole course of it. He left by SOPHIA his wife, Daughter of GEORGE FRANCIS DRAKE Esqr, and who was first married to COMMODORE DENT a SON and a DAUGHTER GEORGE POCOCK Esqr who caused this monument to be erected; and SOPHIA married to JOHN EARL POULET'


Description: Britannia holding a thunderbolt in her right hand and in her left, a medallion portrait of the admiral.
Type: Monument
Position: Chapel of St John the Evangelist
Date Erected: 1796
Artists: John Bacon, the elder


Pocock, George
Age: 86
Date of Death: 13/4/1792
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Admiral of the Blue
Organisation: Royal Navy


Notes: Buried in family vault at Twickenham. V&A cuttings III p. 771 - 'The monument is from the chisel of Bacon. It is erected at the expense of his son George Pocock, Esq. and the inscription, which does great justice to the Admiral's character, is from the pen of the Rev. Dr Jones, Archdeacon of Hereford.' Design in V&A E1534-1931.

Bibliography: John Physick 'Designs for English Sculpture 1680-1860' (London, 1969) pp. 158-9.
Recorder: A.J. Richardson 1980

St Bartholomew's Church, Orford, Suffolk, England

Memorial at St Bartholomew’s Church, Orford, Suffolk commemorating John Redmond, RN, d. 1932


St Bartholomew's Church, Orford, Suffolk, England


'John Joseph Redmond RN died 9 Feb 1932 aged 55'


Position: Churchyard


Redmond, John Joseph
Age: 55
Date of Death: 9/2/1932
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Coastguard
Organisation: HM Coastguard


Notes: Head Coastguard for many years.
Recorder: Reverend William Henry Donnan 1967

Royal Naval Hospital Old Burial Ground (nurses home), Greenwich, London, England

Memorial formerly at the Royal Naval Hospital Old Burial Ground commemorating Admiral Sir Robert Stopford d. 1847


Royal Naval Hospital Old Burial Ground (nurses home), Greenwich, London, England


'Sacred to the memory of / Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford GCB GCMG / Vice Admiral of the United Kingdom / Master and Governor of Greenwich Hospital who / died at Richmond on 25th June 1847 / in the 80th year of his age and is interred / in the vault beneath / He served his country zealously and was a pattern / of true piety and Christian benevolence'


Position: Mausoleum


Stopford, Robert
Age: 79
Date of Death: 25/6/1847
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Vice Admiral
Organisation: Royal Hospital, Greenwich, Royal Navy


Notes: Destroyed in 1935-45 War. Inscription in PRO. Greenwich Hospital Memorial inscriptions. 99618.

All Saints' Church, Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Memorial tile in All Saints’ Church, Brightlingsea, Essex, commemorating Leonard Ellis d. 1915


All Saints' Church, Brightlingsea, Essex, England


'Leonard G Ellis / Aged 17 / Buried at sea / from H M S 'Albion’ / Feb 1 1915'


Type: Memorial tile
Vessel: HMS Albion


Ellis, Leonard G.
Age: 17
Date of Death: 1/2/1915
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Unknown
Organisation: Royal Navy


Bibliography: Alfred L. Wakeling and Peter Moon 'Tiles of Tragedy' (Brightlingsea, 2001).

Holy Trinity Church, Arrow, Warwickshire, England

Brass plaque in Holy Trinity Church, Arrow commemorating Vice-Admiral Lord Hugh Seymour d. 1801


Holy Trinity Church, Arrow, Warwickshire, England


'Sacred to the Memory of Vice Admiral Lord Hugh Seymour, fifth son of Francis first Marquis of Hertford. Lord Hugh was distinguished in the navy for skill and courage which were particularly evinced by him in the relief of Gibraltar 1782 also in command of the LEVIATHAN in the victory of the 1st June 1794 and in the successful action off L'Orient in 1795 when his flag was in the SANS-PAREIL. From 1795 to 1799 he was a Lord Commissioner of Admiralty and then proceeded as Commander in Chief to the West Indies where he died of yellow fever Sept. 11th 1801 aged 42 closing prematurely a career of honour. Also in Memory of Lady Anne Horatia, his beloved wife, daughter of James Earl of Waldegrave. She died in England two months previously aged 38. Both were deservedly revered and lamented, their remains are deposited beneath this church.'


Type: Plaque
Position: Chancel south wall
Materials: Brass


1793-1802 French Revolutionary War


Seymour, Hugh
Age: 42
Date of Death: 11/9/1801
Cause of Death: Infectious disease
Rank / Occupation: Vice Admiral
Organisation: Royal Navy


Recorder: Reverend William Henry Donnan 1978

St James's Cemetery, Liverpool, England

Memorial in St James’s Cemetery, Liverpool commemorating Charles Forbes d. 1850 and Captain Charles Forbes d. 1877


St James's Cemetery, Liverpool, England


'Charles Forbes Master Mariner died 20 January 1850 age 46. Captain Charles Forbes died 5th September 1877 age 61'



Forbes, Charles
Age: 46
Date of Death: 20/1/1850
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Master mariner
Forbes, Charles
Age: 61
Date of Death: 5/9/1877
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Master


Notes: From an MS in Liverpool Record Office compiled by James Gibson d. 1886, vol. 6, p. 413.
Recorder: Captain J. P. Brand

Hong Kong Cemetery, Happy Valley, Hong Kong, China, Rest of the World

Memorial in Hong Kong Cemetery commemorating Joseph McMillan RM d. 1877


Hong Kong Cemetery, Happy Valley, Hong Kong, China, Rest of the World


'Sacred to the memory of Pte. Joseph McMILLAN 16th. Co. Royal Marine L.I. H.M.S. 'CHARYBDIS', who was accidentally drowned in Hong Kong Harbour on 17th. of April, 1877. Aged 35 years. This stone is erected by his comrades as a token of respect'


Type: Headstone
Vessel: SS Charybdis


MacMillan, Joseph
Date of Death: 17/4/1877
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Private RMLI
Organisation: Royal Marine Light Infantry


Recorder: Christine Thomas

Canterbury Cemetery, Canterbury, Kent, England

Headstone in Canterbury, Kent commemorating Captain William Brown RN, d. 1920


Canterbury Cemetery, Canterbury, Kent, England


'In / proud and grateful memory / of my parents / Capt William Watson Brown R.N. / Late of Cresswell, Northumberland / Died Nov 9th 1920, Aged 57 / Also Annie / wife of the above / Died 22nd March 1949. aged 83.'


Description: Headstone.
Type: Gravestone


Brown, William Watson
Age: 57
Date of Death: 9/11/1920
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Captain RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
