Memorial in Holy Trinity Church, Cuckfield, Sussex commemorating to Charles Sergison d. 1719
Holy Trinity Church, Cuckfield, Sussex
‘Near this place lyeth Interred ye Body of / Charles Sergison Esq. Of Cuckfield Place / who departed this life Novr. Ye 26th 1732 Aged 78. / He was initiated into ye Civil Government / of the Royal Navy in the Year 1671, / as a Clerk in one of his Majesty’s Yards / & laudably Served through Several Offices /till the Year 1719 (namely 48 Years) / 35 of which as a Principal Officer and / Commissions to the Satisfaction of / the Several Kings and Queens, and their / greatest Ministers, and all his Superiors, / about which time, the Civil Government of the Navy being put into Military hands, / he was esteem’d by them not a fit person / to serve any longer.’ [Right side of the panel on base] ‘He was a Gentleman of Great Capacity and Penetration / exact Judgement, / close Application to Business / strict Integrity: / These Virtues compleatly qualify’d him for [that] Post which he so well fill’d, so long enjoy’d / In those who serv’d under him, Merit alone recommended / Fidelity and Diligence were rewarded, / which gain’d him Respect, Esteem and Honour. / He serv’d his County in several Parliaments, where like a true Patriot, he consulted only ye real Interest of ye Nation, without any particular views of his own./ In private Life he observ’d Justice & Probity / was Affectionate to his Relations / Peaceable to his Neighbours / Kind and Beneficent to his servants / And in every Station an Honest Man.’
Type: Monument
Position: Interior, left of the altar
Materials: White and grey marble
Artists: Ayde, Thomas
Age: 78
Date of Death: 26/11/1732
Cause of Death: unknown
Rank / Occupation: Principal in Control of the Navy
Organisation: Civil Service
Bibliography: Jill Seddon, Peter Seddon, Anthony McIntosh 'Public Sculpture of Sussex'.
Recorder: See biblio