Memorial at St Margaret’s Church, Rochester, Kent, commemorating Captain Edward Hodder RN d. 1829
St Margaret's Church, Rochester, Kent, England
'Sacred to the Memory of / WILLIAM HENRY HODDER who died Augt. 21st: 1808 aged 2 Years & 10 Months / and MARY ANN HODDER who died March 23rd: 1809 aged 1 Year & 6 Months / The afflicted Parents Captn: EDWARD HODDER ROYAL NAVY / and Mary (late TROY) his Wife have caused this Monument / to be erected as a small token of their Affection / Sacred to the Memory of the above / Captn. EDWARD HODDER R.N. / Who died at JERSEY on the 27th January 1829 / Aged 62 Years / Also of / MARY Relict of the above Captn. EDWARD HODDER / and Eldest Daughter of the late JACOB CAZENEUVE TROY, / of CHATHAM, / who died on the 24th May 1843 in the 62nd Year of her Age / and was buried at ST. SERVAN near ST. MALO, FRANCE'
Type: Wall tablet
Position: North side of tower interior
Materials: Marble
Age: 61
Date of Death: 27/1/1829
Cause of Death: Unknown / None
Rank / Occupation: Captain RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Recorder: David Proctor