Memorial: M2077

Memorial at Torryburn Cemetery, Dunfermline commemorating John Graham Ford d. 1925


Torryburn cemetery, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland


'In Loving Memory / of / My Dear Husband / JOHN GRAHAM FORD / Retired Shipmaster / Late of the Hudson Bay Co. / Who died 15th September 1925 / Aged 76 years / Also his sons / ALEXANDER HENDERSON / Who died 30th.October 1884 / Aged 3 years 10 months / CHARLES HENDERSON / Killed on active service Gallipoli / 26th. October 1915. Aged 25 years / And Thomas accidentally killed / Tecumseh, Canada. / 7th July 1920. Aged 42 years / Also/CATHERINE HENDERSON / Captain Ford's Widow / Who died 27th. December 1930 / Aged 80 years'


Vessel: Discovery


Ford, John Graham
Age: 76
Date of Death: 15/9/1925
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Master
Organisation: Hudson Bay Company


Notes: Commanded the 'Lady Head' 1891-1903, 'The Stork' 1904-05, 'Discovery' 1906-11. All Hudson Bay Co supply ships sailing between London and Charlton Island, James Bay.
Recorder: Ann Shirley 1992