Memorial at Grave Island Cemetery, Chapwani Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania commemorating Alfred Love, RN, d. 1894
Grave Island Cemetery, Chapwani Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Rest of the World
'In loving memory / of / Alfred / Ernest Love / (late of H.M.S. Blonde) / who died at French Hospital / Zanzibar / East Coast Africa / September 20th 1894 / in his 23rd year / Thy will be done / Respected by all'
Type: Gravestone
Materials: Marble
Vessel: HMS Blonde
Materials: Marble
Vessel: HMS Blonde
Love, Alfred Ernest
Age: 22
Date of Death: 20/9/1894
Cause of Death: Infectious disease
Rank / Occupation: Able Seaman
Organisation: Royal Navy
Age: 22
Date of Death: 20/9/1894
Cause of Death: Infectious disease
Rank / Occupation: Able Seaman
Organisation: Royal Navy
Notes: ADM 188/213/149260 Cause of death - mastoid abscess and remittent fever.