Memorial: M2445

Wall monument at St Alphege Church, Greenwich commemorating Admiral William Taylor d. 1842


St Alphege Church, Greenwich, London, England


'In a vault beneath this church are deposited the remains of William Taylor, Esquire, Admiral of the Red, the last surviving officer who accompanied Captain Cook on his third voyage round the world. His life was passed in the sincere desire to do justice...pious resignation...his Redeemer. He died on the nineteenth day of July 1842 in the 82nd year of his age. This tablet is erected by his niece Elizabeth Taylor'


Type: Wall monument


Taylor, William
Date of Death: 19/7/1842
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Admiral of the Red
Organisation: Royal Navy


Bibliography: Lawrence Phillips 'John Henry Martin', 'Mariner's Mirror' vol. 75, p. 187 (Greenwich,1989); 'United Service Gazette and Naval & Military Chronicle' no. 560, p. 7 (30 Sept 1843).