Wall tablet in St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol commemorating Admiral Sir William Penn d. 1670
Church of St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, England
'To ye Just Memory of Sir Will Penn Kt & sometimes Generall borne at Bristol An:1621 son of Captain Giles Penn seuerall years Consul for ye English in the Mediterranean of ye Penns of Penns-Lodge in the County of=Wilts & those Penns of Penn in ye C.of Bvcks & and by his Mother from ye Gilberts in ye County of Somerset Originally from Yorksheire: Addicted from his youth to Maritime affaires, he was made Captain at ye yeares of 21: Rear-Admirall of Ireland at 23 Vice Admirall of Ireland at 25, Admiral to ye Streights=at 29; Vice Admirall of England at 31 & Generall in ye first Dutch Warres at 32 Whence retiring in Anno 1655, He was Chozen a Parliament man for ye Towne of Weymouth 1660; made Commissioner of ye Admiralty, & Nauy Gouernor of ye Towne and forts of King-Sail Vice Admiral of Munster, & a Member of that Prouinciall Counseill, and in Anno 1664, Was Chozen Great Captain=Commander vnder his=Royal Highnesse; in ye signall & Most Eudently succesffull fight a gainst ye Dutch fleet: Thus He Took Leave of the Sea, his old Element, bvt Continued still his other Employs till 1669: at what Time throvgh bodely Infirmitys (Contracted By ye Care & Fatiqve of Pvbliqve Affaires) He Withdrew, Prepard & Made for his end; & With a Gentle & Even Gale In mvch Peace Arriud & Ancord In his Last and Best Port, at Wanstead In ye Covnty of Essex ye 16 Sept. 1670, being then bvt 49 & 4 Month old. To whofe Name & Merit, his suruiuing Lady hath Erected this Remembrance' [Ledger] 'Here lyeth the Body of Sir William Penn, who departed this life on the 16th Day of September in the year 1670. DUM CLAUUM TENEAM'
Type: Wall tablet
Position: Near lectern
Battle of Lowestoft
Event Date
Event Category
1652 - 1654 First Anglo-Dutch War
Age: 49
Date of Death: 16/9/1670
Cause of Death: Unknown/None
Rank / Occupation: Admiral
Organisation: Royal Navy
Bibliography: J.W. Damer Powell 'Bristol Privateers and Ships of War' (Bristol, 1930).
Recorder: Reverend William Henry Donnan
Photographer: B. Tomlinson