Memorial in St Nicholas’s Church, Chislehurst, Kent commemorating Captain Thomas Bertie RN, d. 1749
St Nicholas's Church, Chislehurst, Kent, England
'Sacred to those virtues that adorn a christian and a sailor this marble perpetuates the memory of the right honourable Lord Thomas Bertie, captain in the Royal Navy. His eminent abilities in his profession, and amiable qualities in private life render his death universally regretted. Obiit the 29 of July 1749, aestatis suae 29. He was the fourth son of the most noble Robert, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven, Marques and Earl Lindsey etc etc Lord Great Chamberlain of England, by his second wife, Albinia, daughter of Lieutenant-General Farrington'
Description: Carved in relief with a naval battle. Biographia Navalis' Vol V John Charnock: 'On the 6th of August following his corpse was carried from Portsmouth, in great naval pomp to be interred at Chislehurst, in which church is a beautiful monument, ornamented with an urn, inscribed with a festoon of flowers. Between trophies and naval ensigns of war, in statuary marble, a naval engagement is finely expressed in basso relievo.'
Type: Monument
Artists: John Michael Rysbrack
Type: Monument
Artists: John Michael Rysbrack
Bertie, Thomas
Age: 29
Date of Death: 29/7/1749
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Captain RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Age: 29
Date of Death: 29/7/1749
Cause of Death: Unknown
Rank / Occupation: Captain RN
Organisation: Royal Navy
Bibliography: John Charnock 'Biographia Navalis' vol.v, p. 283.
Recorder: J.L.S Auan
Recorder: J.L.S Auan