Memorial: M2571

Wall tablet at St Clement’s Church, Hastings commemorating Arthur William Ticehurst d. 1866 in the loss of the ‘London’


St Clement's Church, Hastings, East Sussex, England


'In memory of Arthur William eldest surviving son of Frederick Ticehurst Esq. Mayor of Hastings. He lost his life at sea in the 28th year of his age while engaged in the active and faithful performance of his duty being first officer of the merchant steam ship 'London' which foundered in the Bay of Biscay with 239 souls on board January 11th 1866. Thy way is in the sea and Thy path is in the great waters, Psalm LXX VII 19. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, Rev.XX.13. This tablet was erected by public subscription as an expression of respect for the early death of...'


Description: Carved with gothic tracery.
Type: Wall tablet
Position: Nave
Vessel: SS London


Ticehurst, Arthur William
Age: 27
Date of Death: 11/1/1866
Cause of Death: Vessel Loss
Rank / Occupation: First Officer
Organisation: Money Wigram & Sons


Notes: SS 'London' foundered in the Bay of Biscay in bad weather, due to her cargo shifting. She was on a voyage from Gravesend to Melbourne.
Recorder: B. Tomlinson 1988